Linux commands that help me to create a correct environment for debugging

To begin with, I am rather inexperienced Linux developer. All 4 years of commercial development I have used Windows + Visual Studio only. Building software for many platforms is not common for me. So, I created a list of commands (as well as software) and other hints that help me to debug my software on Linux. When I say Linux, it 75% means Mac Os too.

And yes, I am using Ubuntu 8.10.


Ctrl+X+A  starts GUI mode.Usually I am debugging code using Netbeans, but there are situations where I need to debug code on remote computer, but installing Netbeans or even set up gdbserver will take too much time. So, I just use Ctrl+X+A keys and gdb switches to simple GUI mode. Very useful



This programs shows library dependencies of some executable file. If the file is not executed for some reason, the first thing we need to check is ldd. In windows the LIB (included with VS) do something like the same.


Shows who owns the file. In windows I always used Unlocker application for it (installed separately).


Shows you the kernel boot messages. Used together with grep. Example:


which shows you the full path to the specific executable file, whereis do the same + shows you manuals and sources. Type shows you alias for the command


Slocate is more generalized version of whitch and whereis. It performs a quick search over database with the list of all files. The database is updated using cron every day. Example:

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